Friday, September 21, 2007


So, we had another Dr. appointment yesterday for little Elizabeth. Everything is going good, mommy is taking such good care of herself, the Dr. was very proud. We ended up eating @ the Center City Cafe for lunch...

Just as an amendment to my "Stewpid People" post... The waitress was totally inept. I ordered a diet pepsi when we got there and it took almost 10 minutes to get the drink... How freaking hard is it to put some ice in a cup and press the soda button?? Obviously, the staff @ the cafe were having a very challenging day. Anyways, the waitress got us our food, etc; but then Eva wanted a cup of coffee and a waffle (pregnant cravings strike again!) ... well, we got the waffle, but she never brought us the coffee and took so long getting us our bill.. It might sound like I'm nit picking and maybe I am, I sure as hell wouldn't hustle around for an arsehole like me for minimum wage!!

Uh, I forgot the point of why I started writing this at all...

I guess I'm done now...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stewpid People!

I really don't want to be on a high horse here, but I'm really getting fed up with the constant mediocrity I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis... Not to mention those who are just plain dumb.

What really bothers me is paying a huge amount of money for something, expecting to get what I paid for, and then being totally let down with a completely lame excuse for a job well done. You don't always get what you pay for!

For instance: I paid $100 to get the inside of my PT Cruiser detailed as I'm preparing to sell it. They took over 2 hours (which I had to spend waiting in 100+ degree heat) and then I finally got to drive it home. The kicker came when I got home and showed it to my wife, of course with a proud tone in my voice, as she immediately points out a few spots on the passenger seat and some uncleaned gunk on the plastic e-brake covering...

Now, I didn't notice this myself, probably because there was plastic all over the seats when I got in the car, but at the same time, that's pretty lame they didn't catch/clean that when they could/should have.


Also, just stupid people in general are really bugging me for some reason. I hate it when I tell someone something, over and over, and they still get it wrong! You know when you're telling someone something and you know they aren't listening, but you just keep talking, thinking "They can't possibly be ignoring me as much as I think they are," but they are!!!

Really, really LAME! :)

The End


Low Carb breakfast...

Well, I must say that I do miss the potatoes; although the cottage cheese is nice... Why is it that this shite is healthy again?? I got 2 strips of bacon, 2 sausage links (which I'm sure loaded in saturated fat) 2 scrambled eggs, and a scoop of runny cottage cheese... Can someone tell me why the greasy pork I just ate is somehow better than some freaking hashbrowns??

Oh well..

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Elizabeth's Ticker


Little Elizabeth

I can't express enough how excited I am for our little girl to be born. We've decided on Elizabeth Camille Martinez DeLaRosa... Wow... that's a lot to type... Well, the Martinez part is sort of a second middle name, but she won't have to write it. We didn't want to hyphenate it or anything, but Eva's dad never had boys and Eva has always loved her last name, so we decided to keep it in there.

Little Elizabeth has been kicking mommy a lot these days, we have another Dr.'s appt. this Thursday, so we are excited (as always) to see her moving about on the ultrasound machine. She's such a little cutie already, her cheeks I'm sure are getting quite chubby, so the next 4D ultrasound (in four weeks!) should look really good and give us an incredible view inside the womb for a first detailed look at little Elizabeth.

Here's some images so far...

Some 3D ultrasound images-
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Her first pair of little shoes; sent to us from the Hatch Family-

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